Saturday 25 February 2012


We uploaded all of our footage today and began sorting out the order of the sequences . By uploading this footage we sson realised we were missing a key clip of showing us the location , we remembered we had a good clip in our prelim task , so we used that when moving locations from our characters homes to school.

Friday 17 February 2012

planning part 4

After school i shot our final parts with Jack , Our main character . This filming did not take very long as everything went smoothly , however some shots were too dark but i added extra light to this footage making the sequence easier to see.

Friday 10 February 2012

planning part 3

We have shot our first part of the sequence with Nicky , our main character . We have added extra shots and change some around , we added an extreme close up of her lips rather than her eyes .

Thursday 2 February 2012

planning part 2

Today we have shot our last part of the sequence . This took place on school grounds . We noted down the outfits of the characters to make sure when we film earlier footage we can re create the scene. We realised having an over the shoulder shot when one of our main characters was running was not very stable to we had to re shoot this and make the shot a lot shorter .